5 Reasons Why Self-Love Comes First And How You Can Embrace Joy In Your Life Once You’re There


Coming from someone who has literally raised herself up from rock bottom and was scared that I was going to spend my whole life never knowing what real love felt like…trust me when I say that when you realize what loving yourself feels like it is the most amazing thing ever and the experience of self-love for the very first time is one you will never forget it.

1. Self-love releases positive energy

When you take loving care of yourself and who you are, you are removing negative energy from your inner self. Taking good care of yourself has a positive impact on your daily experiences.

2. Self-love attracts the right people into your life

We are products of our environment, therefore if we are in a low place, we attract those same low emotional people that our negative emotions are drawing in. If you love yourself, like you should, then that natural vibe will attract individuals into your life that will better compliment the person you are meant to be.

3. Self-love will help you get to know yourself better

By looking at who you are from the inside, you will become more aware of deep feelings, which will bring you closer to getting in touch with your goals, desires, and dreams. Grab a hold of that person and don’t let go. Developing emotional awareness is a big part of finding that self-love. You’ve waited a long time to find this, you deserve it.

4. Self-love can be a lot of fun

Self-love does not have to always be about digging deep and being serious – it can be an enjoyable experience as well. Play some old music you love and dance around the room, maybe grab one of your fur babies to dance with you or call an old friend and reminisce about old times until you laugh so hard your belly hurts.  Just have fun, then you’ll want to do it more often.

5. Self-love is abundant

Finding love from within yourself is a never-ending process and that’s what makes it so precious. And the best part is that it is like a bottomless pit of joy. And you only have yourself to thank in the end for all the love and happiness that you get to enjoy.