Do You Ever Have Days Where You Just Want To Completely Give Up? How To Pick Yourself Back Up And Make It The Best Day Ever!!!
Difficult Situations,  Self-Love

Raise Your Self-Worth To The Highest Point Every Day!!!

Do you ever have days where you just want to completely give up? How to pick yourself back up and make it the best day ever!!! Don’t ever sell yourself short or lower your self-worth. Know that you are better than any thought that enters your mind. Believing that you are the best version of yourself every single day that you are given the gift of life is all you need to know in order to make today the greatest day EVER!!! Stay in the positive mindset that is going to keep you moving forward and heading towards the goals and dreams that you’ve always wanted for yourself. There is no such thing as giving up, as long as you keep trying. Don’t worry about what happened yesterday…and we’ll deal with tomorrow when tomorrow arrives. Let’s live today right here and now and make today the best day ever!!!

  • Live In The Present Moment

We all have bad days, and a big help is to play the tape to the end…what I mean by that is to really think about the current situation that you’re in and be in the “present moment” and play out the scenario as if you’re making a movie.  Then remind yourself that you cannot predict the future and put the outcome in the hands of the universe. Then just sit back and relax and enjoy the great person that you are right now.

  • Don’t Give Up Now!!!

Remind yourself of all the past struggles you have already experienced and overcome.  The old saying “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” carries a lot of weight.  And you can always think of all the other people out there in the world that have are struggling right along with you and know that they are fighting just as hard if not harder, so you are not alone.  We all need to send good vibes to each other so that our struggles get easier.

  • Your Thoughts Are Not The Truth

Get out of your head.  Those thoughts that keep running through your mind are not facts.  So, change your mindset and start telling yourself what a beautiful, hardworking, strong woman you are every day. Do that and you will start to see the difference in your attitude towards yourself and others.  And don’t listen to what other people say either, prove them wrong.  It doesn’t matter what other people think of you if you know in your heart and in your gut that you are doing the right thing, doing your best every day, and being a better person today than you were yesterday…That is all that matters!!!

  • Take In Some Nature

If all else fails, go find yourself a park or a nature trail and go for a nice walk to clear your mind.  It is a proven fact that walking in nature can decrease depression as opposed to taking a walk in an urban setting.  Not to mention the scenery alone will put a smile on your face.